Readable Regex

API to execute readable regex

API response below

Example call using Javascript
        async function getResponse() {
            const baseUrl = ''
            const inputString = "1+323_%8&3a"
            const encodedInputString = encodeURIComponent(inputString)
            try {
                const response = await fetch(baseUrl + endpoint + "?inputString=" + encodedInputString)
                const json = await response.json()
                const transformedString = json.result
            catch(exception) {
                throw exception
GET{endpoint}?inputString={encodedInputString} Endpoints: onlyNumbers onlyLetters onlySpecialCharacters isEmailAddress isPhoneNumber Params: inputString: string example: "1+323_%8&3a" Response:
                result: string
Result is the transformed string
            example for onlyLetters:
                    result: 'a'